What is the Recovery and Prevention Service? 

Mind BLMK offer a Bedford based group service aimed to support people with their mental health and wellbeing. Groups are delivered on Monday and Friday’s at the Bedford Wellbeing Centre.

The service offers access to a range of options that aim to future proof peoples mental health and support their path to wellness. Sessions include:

Topic based group sessions

Structured 1.5 hour education and learning sessions exploring a range of different topics including subjects such as anxiety, depression, food and mood, loneliness, self-esteem and developing confidence. Sessions aim to develop skills, knowledge and self management tools and techniques to enhance wellbeing.


Lunch and chat

A one hour session offering the opportunity to connect with others over a brew or lunch (not provided) in a safe, non judgemental environment.  Sessions provide an opportunity to update on local community based services, ways to participate and share other useful signposting and resources.


Recreational and activity based group drop in sessions

1.5 hour sessions offering an opportunity to take part in social and recreational activities such as arts and crafts, music and mood, journalling, games and quizzes, or connecting with the environment and outdoor spaces. Sessions may also be peer led or include guest speakers from other organisations.


Everyone accessing the service will be supported to complete a wellbeing star to help them identify their personal wellbeing goals.



Adults aged 18+ with a mental health need and who live in Bedford Borough.


How to Access

Before accessing you will need to complete a referral form and have a chat with one of our team. This is so we can find out a little bit more about your needs and help to ensure our service offers you the right kind of support.  You can do this by clicking on the ‘Access Support’ button at the top of this page. Referrals can be made by individuals and third parties (friends, family, GP, other professionals) with the consent of the individual.


Once registered for the service individuals can chose to attend as many or as few of the

interventions as they wish to meet their needs. A full timetable will be provided.


Together For Bedford