How are we changing the lives of people with mental health problems?

After considerable growth within the organisation, we remain focused on ensuring that all of our services deliver the highest quality and support people to achieve the outcomes that matter most to them by ensuring the voice of lived experience is at the heart of what we do.

With developing services to include our young person’s provision and continuing work within the NHS transformation, we are proud of the positive impact we have made and continue to embed our social values & commercial imperatives in everything that we do. 

AGM 2023

On Wednesday 18th October, we had our 2023 Annual General Meeting face-to-face at The Rufus Centre to celebrate our successes from the past financial year and to look forward to our plans for the next one.


In our last financial year (March 2022 – March 2023), we supported 8,329 people across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes, and four of those service users shared their story at our AGM.

The theme of our AGM this year was ‘Enriching Lives.’ We reflected back on some of our successes from the past financial year which included;

  • Crisis Support
  • Suicide Prevention Pathways Service
  • Mental Health Alliances
  • Influence & Participation
  • MQM Quality Mark


Every year Mind BLMK produces an Impact Report. It gives key information regarding the outcomes of that particular year, as well as setting out financial information. Click on the links below to download or view a PDF version of our current and past annual reviews.

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