Why did you want to work for Mind BLMK?

I didn’t chose to work in the mental health sector… it chose me!

During the 10 years of building up my own brand (two shops and an online website), my business became involved in working with the LGTBQ+ community, running events, workshop and networking.  Unfortunately I lost my business through the pandemic and like many others, became aware of my own mental health suffering. I was relocating at the time and saw an opportunity to work for Mind BLMK as a Fundraising & Engagement Officer.


Tell us about your role and any progression?

As the fundraising and engagement department grew, there was an opportunity to apply for the role of Fundraising & Engagement Manager. I really wanted to help guide and shape the departments new vision and values, using the skillset I had, and applied for the role. I have been in the role now for 18 months .

It’s certainly a varied and busy role, juggling income generation as well as ensuring that our messaging is consistent.  We continue to build new and existing relationships with our partners, funders and stakeholders and no day is ever the same.


What do you enjoy the most about working at Mind BLMK?

The thing I most enjoy about working for Mind BLMK is the knowledge that every day we are helping to make someone’s life better and that we all play an integral part in building the organisation into the amazing charity that it is today.


Top tips for new employees?

My top tip for new employees would be that you get back what you put into something.  There is no such thing as an easy role at Mind BLMK, but if you truly want to challenge yourself and be part of a valued team, then there really is no better place to work! 


Click on the names below to find out why we remain an employer of choice and a leading mental health specialist in our field.

Please note: All names and identifying details have been changed to protect our staff identities.

More information:

If reading these stories has piqued your interest in working in mental health and you would like to find out more, then please do get in touch

t: 0300 330 0648
e: [email protected]

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