We are committed to ensuring that our organisation is free from unlawful or unfair discrimination under any of the protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010.

Purpose and Scope

Mind BLMK is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to equality of opportunity, to providing a service and following practices which are free from unfair and unlawful discrimination.

We will: 

  • Promote equality in every area of our activities, whether these are in our employment practices or in the services we provide. Our core values of Community, Respect, Opportunity, Hope, Developing Potential and Raising Awareness are fundamental to our achievement of equality.
  • Advance and practice a single equality scheme where we mainstream equality into all our services, policies and procedures. We will treat everyone as an individual, with dignity and respect.

Mind BLMK Commitment

As an employer and service provider, the organisation will ensure it:

  • Promotes a positive culture in the workplace and services where individual differences and contributions are recognised and valued.
  • Treats the workforce, service users and third parties with openness, respect and dignity at all times encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion as a reflection of the organisation’s values and good management practice.
  • Selects workforce for employment, promotion, training, development or any other benefit purely based on aptitude and ability.
  • Provides training, development and progression opportunities to all the workforce.
  • Deals with complaints of harassment, bullying or discrimination seriously and with discretion.
  • Reviews all policies, procedures and practices to ensure the organisation is meeting the standards of the Equality Analysis (EA) in order to establish a solid foundation and reflection of Mind BLMK’s vision and values.

Inclusion and diversity are at the heart of everything we do. By creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace, we strongly believe it will ensure a better outcome for our service users and our valued workforce.

We listen and engage with our diverse communities and particularly encourage applicants with a wide range of backgrounds, including those with mental health lived experience to join the team.

We strive to be at the forefront of innovation and influence and are committed to ensuring the voice of our communities is integral to the way we operate, design and deliver our services.

Further information

Questions, comments and requests regarding this statement are welcomed and should be addressed to: [email protected]