Bringing together Talking Therapies and emotional health

We are very excited to be able to share with you that three leading Talking Therapy teams from Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), have pulled together this year to form a strong collaboration across our area. 

Teams from across Bedfordshire, Luton, and Milton Keynes (BLMK) have formed a partnership to ensure that our local community will have full access to a range of free webinars. Offering a safe place for all people across the area to make use of, with access to events led by experts from the three IAPT teams.

This is a fantastic opportunity to engage with confidential support, aimed at improving your mental health and wellbeing. The webinars available for you to access will focus upon numerous different ways to boost positive mental health. The content will cover a broad range of insightful topics, including sleep hygiene, mindfulness, dealing with stress, wellbeing whilst working and more.

If you have been looking for ways to build skills and coping mechanisms to support positive mental health, this is a great opportunity to do so. The teams are delivering webinars throughout the week, at varied times, enabling you to flexibly engage with events at a point suited to you.

Our Chief Executive Officer, Caroline Lewis said the following –

This is an incredible and much-needed opportunity for people from across Bedfordshire, Luton, and Milton Keynes to access further support with their mental wellbeing. We are really proud to be working alongside the three leading IAPT services to promote this work, and fully believe that by working in a collaborative way the support offering across the region can be so much more effective for those needing services such as this.

Each session is free to access, you are anonymous on the webinar and no camera is required. Some personal details are required in order to take part in the event. This is to ensure that each health service performs correctly and in line with national health regulations.

If you would like to embrace this opportunity, please visit the website here, for more information on each event and to register yourself.

Posted on: 9th April 2021

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