Crisis Café Team – Sunrise Challenge Walk 2022

Healthy hearts, healthy minds in collaboration with Action4Youth

On Saturday 9th July, staff from the Crisis Team at Mind BLMK will be embarking on a ‘Sunrise Challenge Walk’ around Woburn Sands and the surrounding deer park.  Leaving Woburn at approx. 4.00am, the team will welcome the dawn of a new day with a short mindfulness/meditation session, before continuing the 12-mile hike around Woburn, finishing at the Fir Tree Inn at Woburn Sands, mid morning.



The sun has always been a source of fascination for humans, as evidenced by the countless myths, legends, songs, paintings, etc. on the subject. In particular, the sunrise is often used as a metaphor for hope, beauty, and rebirth.

We realise that mental wellness is something can can affect all ages, so we jumped at the opportunity of collaborating with Action4Youth again as part of their NCS Summer Waves Programme.  Last year the students did an amazing job of creating care packages for our service users and fundraising in their local community (see below).



This year, students have been tasked with producing ‘Mindfulness Hampers,’ to be auctioned off at noon at the Fir Tree Inn, on the day of the event.  All proceeds will go directly to Mind BLMK.  This is a great initiative for students, as it gets them thinking directly about their own mental health & wellness, whilst actively fundraising for a local charity and allowing them to get creative in the process.

The students will also be crafting lots of Spiritual and Wellbeing Gifts, such a hand painted pebbles, mindfulness cards, and lots of other items for our stall at the Fir Tree Inn.  If you would like to read more about the amazing intervention and transformations work Action4Youth does, please click here.

Community is so important, which is why we hope you’ll join us at the Fir Tree Inn around mid morning to welcome back our Crisis Café Team, and to peruse our selection of handmade crafts from the talented students of Action4Youth



Fir Tree Inn, The Square, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8SY



They’ll be a chance to indulge in some mindfulness sessions, try your hand at rock stacking and to chat to Mind BLMK staff about the services we offer.

Our auction starts at noon and you can expect some fabulous prizes, including a four ball from Woburn Golf Club, sumptuous wellbeing hampers and lots more.


A sunrise puts our troubles in perspective. No matter how dark your life seems right now, a sunrise is waiting on your personal horizon.


If you would like to know more about this event, please contact Gretchen Larkin: [email protected]. 

Should you wish to make a donation to our awesome Crisis Café Team, please follow the link to our Just Giving Page: Crisis Cafe Sunrise Walk 2022 – JustGiving


Posted on: 20th June 2022

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