MK Marathon 2022 – Running to change lives

Let’s hear it for our Mind BLMK Team Runners 👏👏👏

On Sunday 2nd May, we bounded out of our beds at the crack of dawn, full of excitement to set up our stall at the impressive MK Dons Stadium.  Our staff were so excited and it wasn’t long before the runners emerged, eager to put all their months of hard work into the ultimate race of their lives (of course there were a few old hats whose marathon accolades are in double digits), but what we love about this event, is that it is inclusive for all.  From the full on 26 miles, to the Rocket or the Superhero Fun Run, there is something for everyone.

It was lovely to chat to our local MK Mayor: Mohammed Khan who started the klaxon at exactly 10.00am.

Also huge thanks to David Down Sports Therapy whose massages were gratefully received, and in fact had runners (post race) lining up for some muscle relief.

                 David Down Sports Therapy massages went down a treat after the race       

We would also like to thank the MK Organisers for such a superb and professional event. These guys, from the stewards and marshals to the office staff all worked so hard leading up to the event and overall raised thousands for lots of deserving charities.

To our own MK Marathon runners, we salute and thank you.  Every penny raised, goes back into providing the vital services we offer in the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes area.



For those who couldn’t make it, we hope the photos show just how much fun the day was and hope you will be able to join us next year.


If you fancy a challenge and are considering running the MK Marathon in 2023 as one of our Golden Place runners, please do get in touch on: [email protected] to register your interest.  Further details will follow later in the year.

Posted on: 18th May 2022

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