Local Mind Week 2023

Local Mind Week is a National campaign in the first week of August (1st – 7th August) developed by local Minds.

The campaign seeks to increase people’s understanding of what the network is and how local Minds fit within the wider federation; raise awareness of the types of support local Mind’s offer, while also identifying how people can support their local Mind – either through donations or volunteering.

So, what do National Mind do?

National Mind fight for mental mental health on a national scale. They change minds across England and Wales by making mental health an everyday priority. By standing up to the injustices – in healthcare, in work, in law – which make life harder for those of us with mental health problems.

They also support minds – offering help whenever you might need it through our information, advice and local services.

And they connect minds. Bringing together an unstoppable network of individuals and communities – people who care about mental health to make a difference.

What do Local Minds do?

Local Minds  listen to their direct communities and provide services based on their needs. For example as Mind BLMK, we listen directly to the communities of Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes and provide mental health and wellbeing services for them.

Local Minds are part of a wider network of local Minds across England and Wales. They run as independent charities and raise their own funds. 

Who are Mind BLMK?

We are a local Mind who provide mental health and wellbeing services across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. You can find out more about our service HERE.

We run independently from National Mind, which means we are responsible for our own fundraising, income generation and the running of our services. That’s why we’re very grateful for every penny raised for Mind BLMK.

We’re proud to be part of the Mind family.

What impact do Local Minds have?

💙 There around 100 local Minds in England and Wales.

💙 Last year local Minds supported 422,450 people.

💙 Local Minds are supported by 4213 incredible volunteers.

💙 Local Minds employ 4213 people and there are 743 trustees.

💙 Last year, local Minds ran 1188 services, including therapy and advocacy.

💙 Last year our volunteers gave us over 189,000 hours of support.

We are here for you.




Posted on: 1st August 2023

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