The Small Charities Coalition Christmas Advert is live!

97% of charities in the UK are small and we’re proud to be one of them. We’re also proud to be part of a coalition that came together to produce a video for the Small Charities Coalition Christmas advert this year. Together we wanted to show how small charities keep communities going and we think this video has achieved that perfectly. 

The Small Charities Coalition said:

Not only did you answer our call but the videos you sent us showed us a country that is full of exceptional small charities who are keeping communities going. We have never been so proud to have you as our members or so motivated to make sure everyone knows about the work you do. 

We’d love this video to be shared far and wide so as many people as possible can see the faces behind the 97% of charities in the UK that are small. So please do share this on your social media timelines so everyone can see what wonderful work is being done across the country by so many small charities. We really think this video speaks for itself and we hope you love it as much as we do. 


The soundtrack was provided by The London Gay Men’s Chorus and the video was created by The Small Charities Coalition.


Posted on: 5th December 2018

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