World Mental Health Day 2023

Every year we celebrate World Mental Health Day on 10 October. The theme for 2023, set by the World Federation of Mental Health, is ‘Mental health is a universal human right’.  

World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness of mental health and driving positive change for everyone’s mental health. It’s a chance to talk more openly about mental health and where people can reach out for help if they’re struggling.

The theme this year was chosen by a global vote open to the public, including World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) members, stakeholders, and supporters. 

This year’s theme enables us to re-double efforts to ensure that everybody receives quality mental health care. Read more about the theme HERE

You can get involved by helping to spread the word and positive mental health awareness by sharing social media posts and posters with your friends, family, work and in your community.

Talking about your mental health

It can sometimes be really difficult to talk about your feelings with friends or family. It’s common to feel worried about upsetting people you care about, and feel nervous about what people will think. 

Whenever you feel ready, these tips might help you start the conversation: 

  • Find a method of communication that suits you. This might be a face-to-face conversation, or you might find it easier to talk on the phone or write down how you feel in a letter.
  • Find a suitable time and place. There may not be a ‘good’ time, but it can help if you’re somewhere quiet and comfortable, and are unlikely to be disturbed for a while.
  • Practice what you want to say. You could do this in your head or make some notes. Phrases such as “I’ve not been feeling like myself lately” or “I’m finding it hard to cope at the moment” might provide a starting point.
  • Offer them relevant information and examples. If you’ve found a useful description in a book or online, or seen someone on television or in a film saying something that feels right to you, you could use this to help explain what you’re experiencing.
  • Be honest and open. It can sometimes feel uncomfortable sharing something so personal, but explaining how your feelings are affecting your life may help others to understand.
  • Suggest things they could do to help. This might just be listening and offering emotional support – or there may be practical help you need (see examples in our page on helping someone else seek help).
  • Don’t expect too much from one conversation. Understanding mental health problems can take time, and some people may be shocked or react badly at first. It’s important to give them some time to process what you’ve told them. 

Mind BLMK Services

If you don’t want to talk to your friends, family or colleagues then we are here for you. You can find all of our mental health and wellbeing services across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes HERE. 

You are never alone 💙

Posted on: 5th October 2023

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