World Suicide Prevention Day 2023


The global suicide awareness campaign happens every year on the 10th of September. The theme this year is ‘creating hope through action’. 

World Suicide Awareness Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of suicide and promote action through proven means that will reduce suicides and suicide attempts hosted by the International Association for Suicide Prevention and provides the opportunity for people, across the globe, to raise awareness of suicide and suicide prevention.

Creating Hope Through Action is a reminder that there is an alternative to suicide and aims to inspire confidence and light in us all, that our actions no matter how big or small may provide hope to those that are struggling.

“49 people in Central Bedfordshire, 52 people in Bedford Borough and 91 people in Milton Keynes died by suicide between 2019 and 2021”

Suicidal thoughts are complex. No single approach works for everyone. What we do know that there are certain factors or life events that may make someone more vulnerable to suicide. People who are suicidal may feel trapped or like a burden to their friends, family and those around them and thus feel like they are alone and have no other options.

By creating hope through action, we can signal to people experiencing suicidal thoughts that there is hope and that we care and want to support them.

Ways to support World Suicide Prevention Day

You can also use this information beyond the month of World Suicide Prevention Day to support suicide prevention.

  • Share suicide prevention messages on your social media platforms
  • Put an article in your newsletter or send an email brief supporting the campaign
  • Signpost and support local campaigns, resources and services on your website.
  • Undertake a free training course (see below) to be informed on suicide.

Free training

Another way to get involved this September and beyond is to take part in suicide awareness training and promote the training to others.

Zero Suicide Alliance Training Course


⌚ 20 mins

📅 Various

🔗 Book here

Mind BLMK See the Signs Training


⌚ 2 hours 30 mins

📅 Various

🔗 Book here

Lunch and Learn Webinars

This September to support world suicide prevention day the BLMK Suicide Prevention Group have organised a month long programme of learning sessions on different themes linked to suicide prevention.

CHUMS Charity Logo

Bedfordshire Suicide Bereavement Service (Chums)


⌚ 1 hour

📅 12.09.2023 at 1.00pm

🔗 Book here

Supporting Students in Higher and Further Education Settings (Bedford Samaritans)


⌚ 30 mins

📅 15.09.2023 at 12.00pm

🔗 Book here

Benefits of Being True to Your Emotions (The Man Cave)

💰 FREENo photo description available.

⌚ 30 mins

📅 18.09.2023 at 12.30pm

🔗 Book here

Armed Services Emotional Wellbeing (Bedford Samaritans)


⌚ 1 hour

📅 25.09.2023 at 12.00pm

🔗 Book here

Links Between Suicide and Domestic Abuse Training (Mind BLMK and MK Act)


⌚ 2 hours 30 mins

📅 27.09.2023 at 9.30am

🔗 Book here

Stay Alive App

The Stay Alive app is a suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information and tools to
help you stay safe in crisis. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned
about someone else who may be considering suicide.

The app includes:

  • A safety plan with customisable reasons for living
  • A LifeBox where you can store photos and memories that are important to you
  • Strategies for staying safe and tips on how to stay grounded when you’re feeling overwhelmed
  • Guided breathing exercises
  • Interactive Wellness Plan

The app also links you directly to local and national crisis resources, with space to add in your own as well.
Grassroots have produced a Stay Alive booklet which you can can order by emailing [email protected].

Download the app here.

Support for Young People

At Mind BLMK, we offer a range of services for young people aged 14 – 30 years old across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. Our trained youth mental health workers provide resources, tools, information and advice. We aim to help support positive mental health, wellbeing, and strengthening resilience.

Signposting and Useful Links

  • THE HUB OF HOPE -is the UK’s leading mental health support database.
  • OLLIE (One Life Lost Is Enough)- charity dedicated to delivering suicide awareness, intervention and prevention training by empowering professionals and young adults in their own communities to lead suicide prevention activities.
  • SAMARITANS – listening service open 24/7, Tel: 116 123 Email: [email protected]
  • PAPYRUS HOPELINE UK – For children and young people under 35yrs who are experiencing thoughts of suicide. For anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide. Monday- Friday 9am-midnight. Call 0800 069 4141, Text 07860039967,email [email protected]
  • CALM – (the Campaign Against Living Miserably) helpline open 5pm-midnight, 365 days a year, on 0800 58 58 58, webchat service
  • SHOUT – text SHOUT to 85258 24/7 free text service for anyone in crisis anywhere Staying Safe from Suicidal Thoughts, A helpful guide that will explain how to create your own safety plan.
  • HEADS UP – Men Mental Health support and information
  • FOR MEN TO TALK– chance for men suffering with anxiety, depression and grief to talk with other
    fellow sufferers
  • BSBS (Bedfordshire Suicide Bereavement Service) supports people living anywhere in Bedfordshire and
    Luton of any age who have been bereaved by suicide
  • Mind BLMK Bereavement by Suicide Support Service for people living in Milton Keynes call 0300
    330 0648 or email [email protected].
  • Mind BLMK Suicide Prevention Pathway Service – aims to provide support for individuals who have mental
    health/wellbeing needs and may have accessed medical, clinical or emergency services. Individuals will
    not be at immediate risk of suicide but may need support to improve their mental health and wellbeing.
    Tel: 01525 203 778 Email: [email protected] 
  • SOBS – Survivors of bereavement by suicide. Local support groups in Bedford ([email protected])
    and Milton Keynes ([email protected]). Resources for professionals available
  • GAMBLNG WITH LIVES – Support for families who have been bereaved by gambling related suicides.
  • HELP IS AT HAND BOOKLET -A guide to support you after someone may have died by suicide

Urgent Help and Support

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis for the first time you should contact your GP or NHS 111 option 2 if you live in Luton, Central Bedfordshire or Bedford Borough. If you are in Milton Keynes you can call the CNWL Urgent advice line on 0800 0234 650.

The Samaritans are there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to listen. Call them any time on 116 123 if you need somebody to talk to.

Mind BLMK’s Crisis Cafés are a free service available 365 days of the year, 5.00pm-11.00pm. Find your nearest Crisis Cafe here

In an emergency, if you or somebody else’s life is in danger contact the emergency services on 999 or go to A&E.

Posted on: 31st August 2023

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